April 22nd is Earth Day! If you're in the New York City or San Francisco area, come visit us at one of these lovely events.
EarthFair 2008 - Friday, April 18 from noon-7pm and Saturday, April 19 from 11am - 5pm at Grand Central Station, NYC, NY.
This event is free! And I'll have a free project where you can make
a wallet out of empty cereal boxes. If you have any old cereal boxes laying around, be sure to bring 'em with you and we'll put 'em to good re-use.
Project Earth Day - Thursday, April 24. This is a fancy, schmancy, eco-friendly fashion show. Our eco-accessories will be on display and will have lots of other eco-accessories from other green business to keep them company.
Go Green Expo - Saturday, April 26 from 10am - 6pm and Sunday, April 27 from 10am - 3pm at the NY HIlton on 53rd St. at 6th Ave., NYC. I think this event costs 10 bucks. There'll be about 200 vendors spreading a whole lot of recycling and sustainable love. That's well worth 10 bucks. Plus we'll have a free DIY project like
CD suncatchers.
Swap-a-rama-rama - Sunday, April 27 from noon - 6pm, NYC
Bring a bag of clothes and 10 bucks and you get a whole new (new to you) bag of clothes. I'll be there doing a DIY project. It's a great place to get new clothes for cheap!
Greening your everyday life - Wednesday, April 30 from 7pm - 9pm at PS 321, 180 7th Ave., in Park Slope, Brooklyn. There will be free seminars on cleaning your home, organic gardening and more. Plus I'll be there showing kids how to turn old record album sleeves into folders. For more info on this one contact mbrill [at] ps321 [dot] org
Maker Faire - May 3-4, 2008 San Francisco, CA
We'll be spreading our recycling love to the west coast with this event! Stop by, say hi, and leave with a cute
wallet made from empty cereal boxes.If you're not nearby,
then go here to find an celebrate an Earth Day event near you. Go green!