Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tea Thyme!

Here's a great way to dish up your plants this summer - transform mismatched teacups into pretty planters. It's a great way to display herbs and flowers in your window or as a table centerpiece. The complete how to is over at DIY Network.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Destination: Maker Faire, San Mateo, California!

It's been five years since I last attended the Mother of all Maker Faires in San Mateo, California. And I'm very excited to be returning this year with GoGo squeeZ and TerraCycle!

If you're out that way, it's a must-see event. I've attended Maker Faires in Michigan and have a soft spot in my crafty heart for the one in New York City. But there's nothing like Maker Faire when it's hosted in its own hometown in California. You don't even bat an eyelash when you're standing in line at the coffee stand behind a motorized cupcake. Or when a car passes you adorned with robotic, singing fish. It's hacker-overload when you're at the Faire, and will hold promise to blow your crafty mind. Even though it's only a weekend long, you're sure to run home afterwards and want to make stuff, which is a mindset much longer than a weekend.

If you're at the Faire, be sure to stop by the GoGo squeeZ booth, get some free samples of delicious (preservative-free) applesauce, and Make some do-it-yourself goodness with me. I hope to see you there! Happy ReMakering!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Made + Remade !

Hey there readers - get ready for more upcycled fun at the newly launched Made + Remade blog! This site is hosted by the DIY Network and I'm excited to be one of the regular bloggers posting projects and ReMaking anything that comes my way.

My first posts are great crate designs made from upcycled wooden wine boxes. I've written and illustrated step-by-step instructions for turning a wine crate into a under-the-counter stemware holder. I've also provided the how-to for creating a minibar from two empty wine crates.

Help get the word out! If you want to "like" or "share" my projects, I wouldn't mind.

Put this new blog on your daily check list because new projects are posted every day. This new site is only just beginning of the Made + Remade posts. There will be a whole lot more do-it-yourself goodness coming your way. Let's hear it for Making + ReMaking! Hurray!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A recycled recycling bin?

Well, what else would you expect it to be made from?

I'm pleased to share that the crafty RePlayGround crew will be at the Queens Library over the next few weeks helping to spread our do-it-yourself recycling goodness to the good people there. These events not only include fun, upcycling projects, but they're also free and open to the public! Woo hoo! Our first stop is the Fresh Meadows Library at 4pm, this Friday, May 3rd.
Other locations and dates include:
Flushing, May 8 at 4pm
Windsor Park, May 13 at 4pm
McGoldrick, May 13 at 5pm
Central Library (Jamaica), May 22 at 4pm

We'll be demonstrating how to create a recycling bin from 2 hardcover books (retired books, of course!).

Why buy a new recycling bin when you can create your own? This one already has a great story!