Going holiday shopping can be discouraging for even the mild environmentalist. I mean really - just how many $1.99 plastic Santas can a person really use? Ok, so they are only $1.99, but will they serve any purpose a month from now? Do they really serve any purpose now? I'm all about recycling scrap into something new, but it's better to start with less in the first place.
Being a part of the Bust Craftacular this weekend reminded me of why we give things in the first place. Most items there were created with lots of handmade love. It was fanstastic to see so many people shopping for handmade and one-of-a-kind items. It reminded me that people really do care about what they buy.
I had a conversation recently with a store owner and friend here in Brooklyn. She excitedly told me how she was making all of her Christmas gifts this year. Even though it was taking up all of her spare time, she was really pleased with what she was making. And as she described the gifts she got really excited just thinking about how happy the recipients will be when they open them. That reminded me what gift giving is all about. It shouldn't be "ah crap, what do I get my dad who doesn't need a single thing?" It should be "boy, I hope I can make my brother fall off of his chair with laughter when he sees the photoshop job I did on our mom and dad's heads."
Christmas doesn't need to be about the dollar amount we spend, but about the love we give the gift with. Ok, so maybe that last statement is a little cheesy, but it's way better than, "here are 10 plastic Santas that I got on a great deal on the day before Christmas." And if those gifts are wrapped in recycled wrapping paper, then all the better.
the packaging for chips looks great as wrapping paper! awesome!