It's one thing to create projects and instructions and show people how to turn scrap into new. It's elevated to a whole new level when people use the concepts of recycling and design to create their own new projects.
This week I received one of the best gifts ever! My 7-year old niece converted an empty chapstick container and into a toothpick holder. And not just any toothpick holder, it's for those fancy, frilly toothpicks.
My brother explained that she came up with the chapstick conversion project all by herself. The center of the chapstick container had popped out and she thought of putting toothpicks inside. Then she decided to send it to me so I would never be tooth-pick-less again! So cute. Plus this special container is still raspberry scented.
Here's a pic of the sweet note she taped to the back of the toothpick holder.
"tiffy this is not lipstik for you. It is now a {recycled} lipgloss container with toothpicks in it. love marina."

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