I'm back this week with a DIY on my first ReMake It! trash can project:

Plastic Bag Trash Can
ReMake It plastic bag trash can frame
A few plastic bags (we used 2)
About an hour
1) Find some colorful plastic grocery bags. With your scissors, spiral cut around the bag in a long strip that is approximately 45” long X 1 1/2” wide. If it's easier for you, cut smaller strips and connect them together with clear tape. You will need a total of 17 strips.
2) Tie the end of each strip to a spoke towards the bottom of the trash can.

3) Starting with one strip, wrap the strip over the spoke to the right of the spoke the strip is tied to. Pull the strip back up between the two spokes you are working with. Leave the first strip, and repeat the loop with each of the strips.

4) Once you’ve completed your first row of loops, repeat step 3 with a new row on top of the previous row. Keep building rows until you reach the top of the trash can!
5) Tie the strips to the top rim of the can. Trim the excess ends of the strips and tape down each knot with a small piece of clear tape. Once you've tied off the ends, you've got refuse recycling skills in the bag!

See you next week for a new ReMake It can project with recycled magazines!
Upcycle away,
Its such a great way for using waste thing and it showed in such a simple manner..thanks for the post. Closed Loop Recycling