My new book, ReMake It, hit store shelves in March, plenty of time for an extra eco-reason to celebrate this Earth Month!
We got loads of crafty blogs to jump on the ReMake It bandwagon (and if it were a real live bandwagon, there's a debate going if that bandwagon would be powered by good old fashioned leg pedal-power or by biodiesel).
Here's a summary of online posts, many with bonus projects straight from the book:

- The eco-fashion site, Ecouterre, shared the cargo pants into a yoga mat bag project
- Our friend Dave at PSFK gave a bonus book review
- The extra-crafty Craftypod showed readers how to make our yogurt tub buttons and gave a super-friendly book review
- I stopped by Etsy labs to give a tutorial on soda tab bracelets
- A nice review on Upcycle Magazine shared more recycling eco-book support
- Lots of Craftzine love with candy wrapper barrettes and a soda can tab belt
- Treehugger shared our top 10 must-have tools for ReMaking It
- Parentables posted the scrap paper picture frame project (with a picture of my lovely niece)
- Our new fave blog COLOURlovers posted a book review and the scrap flower pin project
- And rounding it out was our friends over at Brooklyn Based with a post on the book and our Earth Month events.

Whew! If you're like us, Earth Month isn't just in April. There will be a whole lot more year-round do-it-yourself ReMake It goodness coming your way from RePlayGround!

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