That is until he told me in his upcycling frenzy he decided to reorganize his CD collection and reused old boxes as organizing labels.

From Brian:
"So, here is my "bigger" craft project inspired by your book -- I'm getting close to finishing it up.
Anyway, as you know I end up with my share of beer containers and 6-pack holders, and I have wanted "labels" for my CD collection for a while now. So, instead of buying plastic or metal little label-holders, I started with a Sixpoint Brewery 4-can container (that's a great beer, BTW) and cut it up along the folds in the proper sizes -- so the "corners" of the can container are the folds of my labels. Then, sticking on some mailing labels to write on, I'm able to label each of the compartments of my CDs. I also used another 6-pack and a container for crackers, and now I'm getting close -- one more 6-pack and I'll be all set. And you know I'll be good to have another of those soon. :)
For me, its a big deal, since like many music lovers I have a unique filing system -- I use a genre-based system -- so Kate needs the lables to find anything!"

Happy crafting! And beer drinking (for more boxes of course!)
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