Here's the before:

I reused the existing filing cabinet and computer table. Then added thrift store end tables, a desk, and a lot of white paint (low VOC, of course!). And here's the brand new version:

The new version has the perfect spot for my printer, my many supplies, a pile of ReMake It books, and plenty of room leftover just waiting to be filled with new materials! Plus this whole set up will be appearing as the background in some new DIY videos to be coming out soon. Stay tuned for those.
To purchase end tables that fit together perfectly, I took measurements at the thrift store and planned it all out before buying anything. The desk that is smack dab in the middle was the perfect find from the Meeker Avenue Flea Market because it had adjustable feet, perfect for resting on top of different heights of tables. And to top it all off, there's a thrift store teapot turned vase for daffodils.

Happy ReMakovering!
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