Hey ReMakers! The Greatest Show (And Tell) on Earth is coming to NYC this weekend and I know I wouldn't miss it. This fourth annual World Maker Faire will launch on Saturday and Sunday at the NY Hall of Science. Where else can you make something explode, solder a circuit board, learn to knit, pick a lock, find a secret restaurant, upcycle your soda bottle, and just join one big celebration of geekdom with your fellow Makers? Maker Faire - that's where!
I'll be on-site on Saturday at the Maker Square Stage from 11 - 11:30 showing you how to upcycle movie film into a lampshade and more. PLUS, the first 25 people at my demo will get their own kit of materials to ReMake a gift bow from movie film which I'll walk them through step-by-step. These projects are easy to do - and they're sure to be blockbuster hits.
If you can't make it to the NYC Faire, then see if there's an event in your neck of the woods. I hear there's even Maker Faire Rome coming soon. A world of Making is out there!

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